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  1. Application Form 申請表
  2. A photocopy of the diploma of the highest academic degree 最高學歷證明
  3. A photocopy of Health Certificate (taken within 6 months)6個月內健康證明影本
  4. Financial Statement or Financial Supporter’s Financial Statement, a supporting declaration is needed.申請人之財力證明或財力支援者之財力證明(需提供財力支援聲明書)

  5. ※The minimum amount of Financial Statement is US$ 3,000.財力證明之金額不得低於3,000美金。
  6. A photocopy of the passport 護照影本
  7. Two 2-inch recent photos 2吋近照二張
Note: Documents in a language other than Mandarin or English must be accompanied by an official translation in Mandarin or English.
※欲續讀之學員無須重複報名,只需在規定期限內,繳清學費即可。Students who would like to continue his/her studies in CLC do not need to repeat the application procedures; all they need to do is pay the tuition fee before the due day.
※無需申請簽證者免繳健檢及財力證明。Student who do not need the visa FR: CLC, NTCU can apply the term program without providing financial statement and health check.
下載:一對一及短期課程報名表、學季班報名表 (需申請簽證者)
* 惠請學員注意,取得本中心入學許可並不表示一定可以成功申請到停(居)留簽證、或註記FR的停留簽證。入境後也不一定可獲准改辦居留簽證。一切需以中華民國大使館、領事館、代表處及外交領事事務局審核為主。
* 詳細簽證類型,請參閱外交部網站:

Visa extension information

【Free-landing visa】
Due to the impact that COVID-19 border control measures and flight bans have had on foreign visitors to Taiwan, MOFA announced an automatic 30-day duration of stay period extension on March 21, 2020.
In consideration of increased travel restrictions worldwide, MOFA announces that all travelers who entered Taiwan on or before March 21, 2020, on a visitor visa, a landing visa, or through a visa-waiver program and who have not overstayed their legal stay period will now be granted a second automatic 30-day extension. No application is required. The total period of stay cannot exceed 180 days (The day after entry date will be counted as the first day of stay). These conditions are subject to change and may be adjusted as circumstances require.
Students who hold an extendable Visitor Visa granting a period of stay of 60 days or more, provided that the visa does not include a “non-extendable” stamp, may apply for visa extension within 15 days before the expiration date at the local service center of National Immigration Agency, The total period of stay cannot exceed 180 days (The day after entry date will be counted as the first day of stay).

【VISITOR VISA(FR)more than 180 days】
For those who continue to study in the summer term, it is recommended to apply for a residence visa after the study period at the same school has reached 4 months in a row.
Those who do not continue studying must leave Taiwan before the visa expire date. However, if the country due to blockades of borders or flight restrictions due to border measures, prepare a formal certificate announced by the government of the country or a cancellation certificate issued by an airline company, if you apply to the immigration office before the 180 days of the suspension period and obtain permission, you can extend it for 30 days.
In addition, the National Immigration Agency (NIA) has announced the Expanded Overstayers Voluntary Departure Program. Foreign nationals who have overstayed their visas and turn themselves in from March 20 to June 30 are entitled to penalty relief measures: They will not be detained or receive an entry ban, and will be given only a minimum fine. For further information, please visit the NIA website at